The United States is a developed country and has the world’s largest national economy. The students willing to join the US schools / colleges / university institutions are offered admission on the basis of certain common tests, interviews, recommendation letters and essays/SOPs. There are more than 4,000 colleges and universities imparting degree programs. The size of U.S. higher educational institutions varies greatly, too, from colleges that enroll fewer than 1,000 students to large universities that enroll more than 50,000 students. Anyone can opt and earn degrees or certificates from US institutions. The International students mainly choose to migrate to the US at two stages-

– After completion of 12 years of schooling or equivalent to earn undergraduate degree;
– After completion of 16 years of education or equivalent (i.e. college education) to earn a graduate degree

The schools, the universities and the institutions in the US offer excellent and quality education, and hence make the US a hot destination for education.

Apart from the quality, a variety of courses offered in the US schools / colleges is quite high, which make it an attractive destination for students willing to super-specialize in a certain field. Learning in an American school means not only confined to classes and attending lectures or doing experiments in the laboratories but also having real industry experience. The university colleges and institutions in America have collaborations with employers and researchers in different study fields where students can gain real work experience. This gives an edge over others when after college your work life begins. The education system in the US is very flexible. Classes are offered under the semester scheme, and course is divided into credits. A student can choose a number of credits he / she want to earn in a semester or quarter, and the electives and the optional classes he wishes to take.





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